Thursday, February 5, 2009

guess what!

So you'll never believe what Piper did... I need to preface this story with telling you that I have been thinking we need to start potty training Piper. I was going to wait until AT LEAST 2 until the past events started happening which made me rethink that decision. She has been taking her diapers off recently and staying eeewwwwyyyyy, yuck, icky etc. Well the other day I was cleaning the kitchen and she came in, threw a diaper in the garbage and started to walk away. At first I thought it was a clean diaper that she finds around - puts on her dolly - then thinks their dirty and throws away. not this time. I looked down and saw she had taken her pants off (something she'd never really done before) and then taken her diaper off. Nothin' but bare bunns. So I think - I'll go buy a potty. Well I don't. SO Here's what happens today. I put Piper down for her usual nap. She doesn't go to bed and instead talks (happens occasionally - but I still make her have quiet time). Well then I start hearing EEEwwwyyyy, Yuck, Poop, icky poop - crying. SO I go in there to see her diaperless standing in the corner of her crib holding her blanket for dear life pointing at two adult size poops in the middle of her bed. Fun! I thought for a sec to take a picture of the sight but then decided there are just some things you don't take pictures of - poop is one of them. So Piper has since had a bath and now we are going to the store to buy a potty.

1 comment:

Jo Youngquist said...

You sooo should have taken a picture! You just might need it for blackmail later! JK...No really! lol