Monday, February 6, 2012

New Camera

YUP! Curtis got me a new camera for my birthday! Isn't he wonderful!! I've been wanting a new one for a LONG time - our old little guy just wasn't doing the job:( So he got booted and voila! New, crisp, beaUtiful pictures!!

I actually don't know how to use it...aside from turning it on and pushing the button but there are some fun things I'm sure we can do with it...guess I just need to practice:)

I decided today that I would learn how to use it and Piper was my subject! She's such a trooper...still don't know anything...guess there will be more practice shots to come haha!


Becky said...

Piper is so cute! I can't believe how long her hair is.

Brandon and Brittany said...

Congrats! Very excited for you.