Thursday, March 4, 2010


I have just been loving working at the Y. Not only has it given ME something to do and a way to earn a LITTLE bit of extra cash, but it has just been awesome for Piper. She has such a great opportunity to socialize every week and make new friends while "we're" working. She has gotten SO much better at saying hi to people and learning to be polite to my co-workers and the other kids - she's really coming out of her shell which is just wonderful! (If you know Piper, you know she DOES NOT like to be touched by someone she doesn't know, talked to or certainly not left alone with other people! She has ALWAYS wanted me right there holding her! ) Anyway, the BIGGEST perk to me working at the Y has been the great classes and camps. I have been able to work out in class settings with friends and have been able to get my runs in while letting the kids play in the child watch and Curtis has been able to do some of his P.T. on their equipment. Recently, the Y opened a ballet class for the little ones so I signed Piper up (and since I work there, It was SUPER cheep!). Curtis and I BOTH were worried she wouldn't like it since I wouldn't be able to hold her hand the whole time, but we did it anyway. Well, today was her first day! We talked all about it this morning and she got really excited to get her outfit on, especially her tights "like mommy wears". I think she was mostly excited because I was jumping around the house SO excited myself! I set her up on the bathroom counter and put her hair up in a bun just like Ballerinas and she #1 allowed it and #2 LOVED it. She loved having it hair sprayed up and posed so beautifully for me before we left. When we got to the gym, she saw all of the other little ballerina's standing around waiting and she told all of my co-workers she was going to dance - too cute! Then the time came for them to enter the dance room ... alone...without there mommies...
Piper cried! At least when she finally realized I WASN'T right behind her. But Lisa (the instructor/co-worker - so piper knows her really well) said it was fine and just leave her... so I did... and ... SHE DID GREAT!!!!!

She LOVED every minute of it!!! I stuck around and watched, along with all of the other moms, peeking in every so often hoping she wouldn't see me and she did great. I went for a run while they did there thing then came back to watch the last 10 minutes and Piper was actually dancing and running around. I was SOOOOO glad she wasn't one of the kids with their face pressed up against the glass waiting for their moms!

The last little bit they turned the music on for the girls to free dance and Piper was SOOO cute shaking her little bootay like Emily taught her to.

Anyway, we had the BEST time EVER and Piper said she wanted to do it again after her nap - haha. I have the cutest video of her dancing that- if I can figure out how to put on here - i'll add later.

1 comment:

Bug said...

SOOOOOOO cute! I want Ava to do ballet so bad, but we are sticking with gymnastics for now. Piper looks adorable and I love the video of her dancing. Isn't it fun having girls?! I find out April 13th.