Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Leaves are Falling All Around!

So... we were SOOOO Super lucky to get to go home to IL last month to see Glam-mommy and Grandaddy AND Becky! We had a blast and the weather was GORGEOUS!! It was so nice to chill with mom and dad and see GG ang GG pa! We had lots of time to play at parks, go to the apple orchard and... play in the leaves! I've been building the leaves up for a while now and the first full day we were in IL I decided to take the girls over to GG's to play in the leaves. Piper would have NOTHING to do with it and I was SOOOO sad! I THOUGHT she had been excited for this moment. Turns out she was sick!!! So sadly I sat her in the car (didn't want her around GG and get her sick - danger) while Bailey, GG and I played in the leaves. She got better that night and the next day (and every day after) we came back and had such a blast. Bailey wasn't so sure about them but by the time we came back to TX I had gotten her to run into them. Then once she realized the leaves were touching her she would get out.

Glam-mommy got this little play set for the girls to play on in the back yard - It looked so dwarfed in their huge backyard but the girls LOVED it! We had lots of fun just with this little slide - makes me miss having a yard:(

I love that GG got in the leaves with Bailey! They just had so much fun! I could have watched them all day!

Curtis came for one of the weekends were were there and we got to go to the Apple Orchard!! Such a hit! We had a blast. So glad he was able to escape all his hard work and just play with us!

1 comment:

Chad and Carole said...

Cute stuff. Your girls are so pretty. What were they for Halloween?