Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Best friends

I've been wanting to put up new pictures of the girls for a long time now but every time I try, the pictures take FOREVER to upload so I give up. Turns out these saved from my last attempt so HOORAY! Piper is just LOVEING having a sister and LOVES Bailey SO much. She loves to play mommy and helps out tons with changing diapers and fetching burp rags. Crying doesn't ever seem to bother her and usually when Bailey starts to cry Piper will start singing her the rock-a-by song. Story time with daddy is a favorite. Piper is in HEAVEn - not so sure about Bailey! Piper doesn't care about the screaming though, she thinks this is the BEST!

I kept forgetting to put these pictures up of Bailey's blessing day. Bailey did great, although I was SURE she would scream through the whole thing (she was hungry). She didn't make a peep though and daddy gave a great blessing. Piper was just done by this point and was sick of the camera. Don't you love the pout and the folded arms. What a personality!

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