Friday, May 29, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend camping in N. Carolina. We thought it would be fun to take Piper out to give it a try and it was. She loved it. She got to play on the "beach" all day with the other kids (which she though was heaven), ride a paddle boat with her dad, eat smores (actually she didn't like them!), cook by the fire, and sleep in a tent. She's STILL talking about sleeping in a tent. Curtis and I had fun although I think Curtis liked it a little more than I did - I think I bring bad weather with me when I camp. I have yet to have a good weather camping experience (minus NV). Last time we went in UT there was snow on the ground and I didn't sleep a wink because of the cold. This time it rained the whole weekend! So we were pretty wet. I was done with it by monday and ready for my dry bed at home! Anyway we had lots of fun and we're glad we got to go! Here's a pic of Curtis going down sliding rock. The water was FEEZING!!! He did it a couple times and loved it. I tried it once but once I saw the picture Curtis took of me (in my swim suit all fat and pregnant) I decided I would put my shirt back on and never put a swim suit on for the rest of my LIFE! It was fun though and I'm glad I did it - don't think the little baby liked it too much, I think the cold got all the way to her!

Piper and her fun Dino camping chair.

Helping dad with the fire.


Sarah said...

What a great time! Looks like Piper was loving it all-- especially the fire. That slick rock looks wicked fun and scary! We really miss you guys!

Bug said...

Super cute. I still want to see the picture of you though in your swimsuit. YOU ARE NOT A WHALE!