Monday, April 20, 2009

What's New

Ok So my pictures are out of order but I stink at blogging and cant get them to move around anymore! So sorry. Today was the big day... Precious Piper had her first out-patient surgery. She got her ear tubes put in this morning. This is her on the way to the office. She was in SUCH a good mood (especially since we had to get up at the Bu**-crack of dawn (in curtis' words) ). I felt so bad taking her in when she had such a HUGE smile on her face. But in the end she only cried a TINY bit. Just when they took her away from me. The procedure took literally 10 min. and then they let me back to hold her 'till she woke up - which was only a couple minutes. The anestesiologis said she would not be a happy camper when she woke up but she was - she was SOOOO happy and didn't even think about sniffling. She was such a big girl!! So hopefully we're done with ear infections.

K, yesturday we took Piper on a bike ride and she was so excited! Here she is with her helmet on.

After our bike ride, Curtis decided he needed to go on a little bike ride of his own - just incase he sells the motorcycle (one last ride type thing). He took it around the neighborhood and Piper was so sad that daddy left so I told her Daddy would give her a ride when he got back and sure enough he did. She LOVED it!!! It was SOOOOO cute to watch. Curtis is already planning what bike her wants to get her so they can ride together!

So Curtis is so my handsome prince. He surprised me this weekend with tickets to the Family Cup Circle (tennis tournament). Donald and Julie watched Piper and we had such a fun day date! I loved it. First we saw a doubles match and then we stayed for part of the singles semi-finals. The singles was SOOOO cool and SOOOO fast! It was incredible!

Here's my little dancing star LOVEING watching dancing with the stars with her daddy. (He wasn't so keen on the choice of shows but Piper and I convinced him it was a good choice!) I wated to get a candid picture of her but she kept smiling! But when the camera was down she was SOOOOO intense watching them dance - it was too cute!


Cynthia and Bryan said...

What a big girl ! We have an appointment next week with an ENT for Knox, he is on his 4th ear infection, 2nd ruptured ear drum in 2 months...ugh ! Glad that things went well and she was so happy.

Bug said...

So I guess we need to talk... Piper... surgery! I hope it works. Curtis... selling the bike? Poor Curty. Ok, call me when you can. Hope Piper's party goes well tomorrow.

Danny and Amy said...

The idea of Piper sick with a never ending ear infection is so sad-I'm glad she's all fixed up now. Modern medicine is amazing!