Thursday, July 7, 2011


Piper's little friend in South Carolina used to call her Pipers - I was thinking about that the other day, hence the title. I threw in a picture of Bailey because they were just so gosh darn cute in their matching dresses! I love this picture of Piper because she looks SO confidant!! Like 'here I am!'

Anyway, today was a sad day for Piper. She woke up with...

PINK EYE!!! Sadness! I've never had pink eye and wasn't really sure that's what it was but I figured I'd better take her to the doc just to make sure. Thank Heaven I did because...

One of her tubes fell out and she actually had an EAR INFECTION!!!! OH NO THEY ARE BACK!!!!

I couldn't believe it! I told the doctor I wasn't sure it was pink eye because she really wasn't complaining about them or itching them. The doc asked if she had a runny nose or cough. And actually she JUST got a cough on Tuesday. THEN she asked if she was complaining about her ears. I said 'no' because she wasn't and then explained that she had tubes blah blah. So the doctor looked her over and turns out ONE of her tubes has fallen out and GUESS WHAT, that ear has an infection. So poor little Piper(s) has an ear infection, a cough, and pink eye in BOTH eyes!! She's so tough, though, and never complains about being in pain! Anyway, thank heaven for antibiotics and happy 4 year olds. HOPEFULLY, this is her only infection and we won't have to re-do the tubes thing!! NOT FUN for her or my wallet!


Emily said...

Cute dresses!! Your due date is coming up!

Sarah said...

So cute!!! I love Bailey's face in the second picture. Priceless! Hope Piper is feeling better.