Monday, August 23, 2010

New Pictures!

Maybe living in an apartment is a good thing! As a result of being so bored, I have been able to keep up on the blog! Haha! Anyway, I've been taking lots of pictures of these cute girls and the fun we've been having just hangin out in our apartment since it's too stinkin' hot to go outside.

This morning I had to go to the bathroom durring breakfast and Bailey was not happy about not having food in her minute at every second so I asked Piper to feed her some oatmeal. This is what I came back to. Isn't she such a good big sister!

Bailey was NOT about so sit still for this picture!
Bailey thinks it's the GREATEST thing ever to bite the spoon when i'm feeding her. This time she got it and was very proud.

Piper and I have been doing fun "school" activities. We have been playing pretend school on tuesdays and thurdsays (not always consistently) and this was us experimenting with objects to see if they would sink or float. She LOVED this activity!

My Bailey - not so much a baby anymore.


Chad and Carole said...

Sweet girls. Good job on the "school" thing. I was never good at that.

Sarah said...

Those are SUCH cute pictures. I can tell Piper is totally loving the sink/float project. Bailey is so big, I can't believe it. Miss you guys!!! Call me (or I'll call you)... whichever. Ha! :)