Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Bailey!

Bailey turned one last Tuesday July 27, 2010! Hooray! We love her so much! She is the FUNNEST baby EVER and we have had SOOOO much fun with her this last year. Since we took the girls to the Children's museum, I've been wanting to get Bailey a tunnel for her birthday. I thought she would love crawling through it since she is such an active little baby. So after much research and finding some amazing deals... I got her a play tent, two actually, that are connected by a tunnel. AND, the best part in my opinion... BALLS. What kid doesn't LOVE playing in balls? I know I did when I was little, the more balls the better. In fact, you could never really get enough balls! Anyway, I was SURE she would just LOVE this entertainment system and set it up the night before her birthday and was SOOOOO excited. ....She was not. Don't you love this picture! At least one of my kids LOVED it! Bailey was not impressed.

I think she either thought the balls were going to get her OR she felt like she was going to be drownd by them. Not sure which but she would not enter this tent willingly - being the good mom that I am, I forced her in!

She ended up liking the other tent ok, probably because there weren't balls in it and crawled through the tunnel a couple times following Piper. Piper was really excited about the tents but I think she needed someone to play with to really get the true fun potential out of it. It's ok, I'm SURE we will have lots of fun with it in the future.

So back to Bailey's day... I let her open my mom's present early because she was wanting desperately to play on Piper's chair and of course being the typical big sister, Piper did not want to share. Bailey LOVED her new chair and climbed up and down from it pretty much all day. Here she is pretending to read this book. The rest of the morning we just played and hung out. Piper helped me make frosting for Bailey's birthday cake and then it was naptime. Hooray for me! Cake decorating time. I was SOOOOO SOOOO excited to make Bailey's birthday cake and couldn't WAIT to get started. And then I started... and it was HARD...and I COULDN'T get it to look good or the frosting to hold or... needless to say Bailey did not get a silo on her barn...She was lucky to get a barn. Anyway, in the end it turned out pretty cute and she really couldn't have cared less what it looked like as long as it tasted good.

Curtis got home "early" from work and we quick opened presents so we could rush off to chuck-e-cheese to celebrate Rex's birthday. Bailey really didn't know what to do with her presents so piper graciously helped her tear into them.

I need to post the picture from the day after Bailey's birthday of these two playing with these blocks! They loved them - Bailey ESPECIALLY loved to put them back in the box while piper sang the "clean-up" song.

Gamma GG sent this cute pillow pal and Bailey was ALL smiles! She LOVES to cuddle blankets and stuffed toys.

Celebrating at chuck -e-cheese!

Piper was in HEAVEN! She asked me ALL day when we could go to Chuck-e-cheese and the time was FINALLY HERE!!

Bailey eating her birthday cupcake. She didn't get too into it. She actually was a lot like Piper was not wanting to touch the frosting. At first she touched it, realized she didn't like the feel of the frosting, then sat there with her mouth open wanting Curtis to feed her. Once she had a taste and realized he wouldn't, she dug in a little.

Other news:
Bailey is officially a big girl and gets to drink WHOLE MILK! Wahoo - freedom (as of yesturday)! Although it's slightly sad too of course.
Bailey can walk (as of july 20th) least a few steps at a time before getting SO excited she actually did it that she falls down


Becky said...

You have cute girls!

Chad and Carole said...

Love the cake with the animal cupcakes. I can't believe she's already 1! I think I would like one of those tunnel things with the balls. It looks like fun! What a busy day celebrating 2 birthdays...