Friday, February 12, 2010

Once There Was a Snowman!

Yup! Can you believe it - we're getting SNOW!!!! I laughed out loud when the news said schools were letting kids out early for the upcoming "snow storm". It was 40 something out and overcast but NOT snow weather. Come on! South Carolina - snow?!? Curtis and I went to Target for something and we saw some friends and we all made fun of how they said we were getting snow - hah! By the time we got home it had been raining for awhile but still I scoffed at the idea. We'd been home about 15 minutes and I called Julie to ask a questions - then asked what they were up to - she said a snow ball fight... I looked outside and we had snow!!! Sorry to doubt you weatherman!

Piper was SO cute building her snowman! She would roll her ball once or twice then say - "oh, I'm so thirsty! That's hard work" Too cute!

It was SO fun fun getting hot chocolate ready for the snowman builders and LOVED getting so warm Piper's rosey red cheeks when they came in.

Updated photo of the snow - and it's still coming!

1 comment:

Danny and Amy said...

I would have doubted the weatherman too, but what a fun surprise to get snow. Your girls are so beautiful!